Rio: 12 cases of measles out of 14 related to 1 young – News


The State Department of Health of Rio de Janeiro reported that 14 people had the diagnosis of measles confirmed in Rio de Janeiro. Eleven patients come from Rio de Janeiro, two from Duque de Caxias and one from Niterói. The samples were analyzed by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), a reference laboratory of the Ministry of Health.

More information: Risk of measles outbreak and return of polio is real, say organs

Rio still has no virus circulation situation in all the # 39; State. According to Dr. Alexandre Chieppe, of the Under-Secretariat for Health Surveillance, 12 cases are related to the first infection, a student of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

" This is a situation that turns on the warning signal "Obviously, there is a problem, because it is the first time, after 18 years, that there is a diagnosis of cases of measles contracted here in Rio de Janeiro. "However, despite the fact that the number seems important, it remains very linked"

According to Chieppe, there are other suspected cases, but as the symptoms are similar to those from other diseases, it is necessary to wait for confirmation. Measles protection is one of three viral and tetraviral vaccines available in the Unified Health System (SUS) according to the Ministry of Health vaccination schedule for children aged 12 to 15 months.

Read also: Brazil has 822 confirmed cases of measles and more than 3,000 suspects

Rio de Janeiro has 95% coverage for children up to 1 year of age, although, according to the Secretariat, there are pockets with vaccine deficits. Chieppe states that there is no reason to go to health posts

Only children under one year old and adults under 49 years old who have not not been vaccinated should be vaccinated. Those who took both doses of the vaccine do not need to take a new one. Although measles can cause serious complications, according to the State Department of Health, in the 14 confirmed cases, the symptoms were mild, and the patients were not in a serious condition

. Learn to differentiate between measles and chickenpox:

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