Russian accusations of "unfounded" poisoning, says Putin – International


WASHINGTON – The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin called the allegations of United Kingdom on the Russian government to be responsible for poisoning by the US. neurotoxic agent that killed a person and left three other wounds in the country, including the former Russian spy Serguei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia.

+ Russian Government says UK should apologize for poisoning charges

+ Russian government says Britain should be excused for poisoning the allegations

"We would very much like documented evidence, but nothing has been given to us," Putin said. The representative of Russia also suggested that the incident be treated as an internal affair of the United Kingdom. "

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The first case The Novichok attack took place on March 4 when the former Russian spy Serguei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found unconscious in Salisbury, British South West .The medical examinations showed that both had been exposed to Novichok's neurotoxic agent.After weeks in the hospitals, both recovered and were released.On June 30, in Amesbury, two other people from the same city were exposed to the same nervous agent.In spite of medical attention, one of the victims did not resisted and died.

According to family members, one of the victims became ill after opening a bottle of perfume .

+ Questions and Answers: What do you know Novichok poisonings in the UK. "What kind of perfume? What is the chemical formula? "Putin said in the interview.

From the first incident, the British government accuses Russia of having conceived the attack – accusations denied by Moscow. In recent months, diplomatic tensions between the two countries have worsened and rapidly escalated, resulting in the expulsion of Russian diplomats working in the UK and Western countries. The Russian government responded with similar actions. // AFP

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