Santa Casa da Misericórdia already has a hemodialysis service


Santa Casa da Misericória de Moncao already has a hemodialysis clinic. The new valence was inaugurated this Friday and is ready to enter into service. Day where the organizer of the institution, Father Agostinho Caldas Afonso, celebrated the wedding of the diamond [60 anos] . The ceremony was attended by several people, including the mayor, António Barbosa, who – in statements to Alto Minho Tv – stated that he hoped that this service would start operating as soon as possible. "It's a very important clinic not only for Monção, but for the entire Minho Valley," he says.

The dream of hemodialysis lasted several years. It is in 2014, also in July, that the institution inaugurated the services of Radiology / Imaging and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. At the time, the deputy provider of the Holy House, Armindo Ponte, confessed the ambition to achieve this valence. "The space for hemodialysis already exists.We can not say that we will have this valence in three or four months, because it takes time.This is only after In-depth studies that everything can be in place.We can not have illusions, but there is a hope of reaching our big goal. "Four years later, the goal has been achieved. In Alto Minho Tv Armindo Ponte emphasized that "our satisfaction is when we can provide a good service to those who need it. We will be able to treat 16 users simultaneously "

The Holy House of Mercy of Monção was founded in the late 16th century. It is known that it was created at the 39, inside the walls of the old place and initially appeared as leprosy.With the removal of the disease and being virtually disabled, it was incorporated as Mercy. During the Restoration War (1640-1668), was completely destroyed by the Castilians Only in 1969, the holy house was rebuilt.

Monção: The Santa Casa da Misericórdia already has a hemodialysis service [14July2018 by Vale do Minho Radio

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