Screening for skin cancer in Quarteira


BUONDI® in partnership with ISN and the Portuguese League Against Cancer will promote actions of early diagnosis of skin cancer on 9 Portuguese beaches. Under the motto "What is the strength of your protection? Protects your skin", the initiative aims to educate the Portuguese on the risks of exposure to the sun.

To carry out these diagnostic actions, the brand will install an awning on the beaches, where a dermatologist will perform the skin lesions. In addition, in this space, there will be recreational activities for the whole family, from traditional games to coloring books with which it is intended to encourage people to learn and practice. have fun in the shade and protect yourself from the sun.

"BUONDI has been on beaches forever and loves people to live intensely on the beach, the sea, life in general, but to live intensely is to live without excess so you can always appreciate the good things. Given this reasoning, we could only support the CISA in its mission to educate people about the dangers of exposure to the sun and what they can do to prevent future skin problems. It is in this sense that, in the framework of the partnership we have with ISN for several years, we have supported the Portuguese League against Cancer in the development of this initiative with which we hope to reach many people and perhaps save lives.Our main goal is that all people live intensely their summer and understand that for this we must respect the sun and take the necessary precautions with the sun exposure says Teresa Roseta, marketing manager of roasted coffees at Nestlé Portugal

Based on the forecast that in 2018 12,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed, of which 1000 will be melanomas, Dr. Rui Oliveira Soares, MD Dermatologist of the LPCC states: "The campaign developed in partnership with BOUNDI® has two main objectives; the first objective is primary prevention, that is, to explain to the population what it can do to reduce the risk of cancer, and in addition, there are actions for early diagnosis of cancer skin that consists of objective observation to find signs that are dangerous and potentially cancerous, or that are already cancerous and that should be treated and treated. We decided to focus on diagnostic actions because the skin is an exposed organ and it will be sufficient careful observation by the dermatologist to find this form of cancer. What is most important, is that the vast majority of early diagnosed skin cancers have a very high cure rate, almost 100%, even in the most severe cases of cancer, melanoma. "

" Protect Your Skin "  ProteçãoPele Source: LIFT   TracesCancroPele

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