Senior Scholarship Program with 1,605 New Scholarships in the Next School Year


Lisbon, July 21 (Lusa) – The + Superior program will have an increase of 1,605 new scholarships in 2018-2019, aimed at boosting the effects of job cuts in Lisbon and Porto with more demands to The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES), Manuel Heitor, said that the launch of applications for these grants – created to encourage mobility in higher education for institutions This year is coming sooner, being available for the first time at the same time as the application process for higher education, so that it can have an "effective impact on applications."

"There is a lot of social support that we now want to stimulate all those who have the opportunity to receive social support that is distributed throughout the country. We know that today we have a very high concentration and students in Lisbon and Porto, "said Manuel Heitor, noting that 36% of social action scholarships are currently in Lisbon and Porto , and that the purpose of guardianship is now to reverse this inward migratory movement

In total, in 2017-2018, there were 3,690 active grants under the program + Superior

António Fontainhas Fernandes, Rector of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) and current President of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities (CRUP), l 39; tutorship announcement "is good, but not enough" insisting that boosting higher education in the interior regions requires "integrated measures" for students, which provide answers to problems such as the cost of housing and the strengthening of the social action because "those who have children know that the crisis"

"In the field of scholarships, it is fundamental to strengthen the policy of social action and if we want to attract more students on the inside, it goes through other measures like this, "he said. who leads to argue that strengthening social action is fundamental to students and institutions.

"UTAD has seven thousand students in which 70% are displaced, of the seven thousand one-third are comrades, and in addition to ordinary scholarships and those whose patronage we have requested, we use own funds. UTAD has made a decision on the latest fee increase, which was in 2013, where the amount of this increase is entirely geared toward social action, "he said.

"The Plus + program is a support to the frequency of public higher education in the regions of the country with lower demand and lower population pressure through the award of mobility grants. 1500 € per year ", recalls the tutela in a note sent to Lusa

tuition fees, which is attached to the annual regulation of the + Superior program, which is pending publication, for the value of 1500 euros add 15 % increase for students who enroll in professional higher technical courses or through the competition for over 23 years, a measure that aims to be 'an incentive to diversify the profile of students who enter higher education. "

According to the preamble of the order of the Minister are guaranteed reindeer "19659003]" The strengthening of the new stock exchanges now approved consolidates the growth trajectory that has been going on since 2015-2016, with the total number of active stock exchanges have gone from 1,730 during this school year to 3,690 in 2017-2018, "reads in the preamble.

"Students wishing to benefit from a new mobility grant for the 2018-2019 school year on November 15, 2018, on the BeOn platform of the Directorate General of Higher Education", clarifies the note of guardianship


Lusa / fim

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