Shooter killed after targeting 16 people in Toronto. Two are dead – Observer


An armed gunman shot dead 16 people in a Toronto restaurant on Sunday. Two of the victims were killed and 13 others were injured, local police said via Twitter. The gunman was killed after shooting at the police, added Marke Saunders, police chief.

All the injured, aged 10 to 59, were transported to the hospital. A 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old girl did not resist injury. Without specifying the number, the chief of police admitted at a press conference that there were serious injuries. Chief investigator investigator, Terry Browne, said some of the victims had suffered "life-altering injuries".

million. Browne said that a second person had been arrested and that the police were waiting for residence. Authorities do not have any other information about the investigation, which they say is only in its infancy.

The shooting took place around 10 pm Sunday (3 am in Lisbon), and the police were notified immediately. According to the Toronto Star, some witnesses said they heard between 15 and 20 shots and saw several wounded lying on the floor of a restaurant.

At the press conference, Detective Browne pointed out that it was "a very, very fast incident".

This video recorded by a witness and published on Twitter shows the suspect to go past a restaurant, then take a gun and begin shooting indistinctly.

Other witnesses have published videos where the shots can be heard. "My night went well until I heard a shootout right next to my home in Danforth," reads in this article.

lamented the incident via Twitter and classified it as a "horrific act of gun violence in Toronto," noting that his thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones.

Doug Ford (@fordnation) July 23, 2018

The scene of the l & # 39; incident remains closed while the forensic teams analyze the area. The police chief has announced an increase in police patrols in the region.

Toronto has recently been the scene of an increase in gun violence, mainly by gangs. Since the beginning of the year, the city has recorded 212 shots that killed 26 people against 188 shots and 17 gun deaths during the same period last year.

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