SIC Group Announces Entertainment Management Team and Programs


The team of Daniel Oliveira is known in the general direction of entertainment and in the CIS program and there are two victims of weight: Luís Proença and Gabriela Sobral, former program directors of the Carnaxide station do not not part of the now announced team

Luís Proença will maintain a collaboration with the Impresa group in the field of new projects and companies with a link to the editorial area, said this official source when it was asked if the professional was still connected to the owner of the CIS group. As for Gabriela Sobral, she will be "communicated in due course".

With Daniel Oliveira in the new Impresa Entertainment Branch, a structure that adds the programs and thematic channels of CIS, as well as digital products in the entertainment field of the group, include: Daniel Cruzeiro (Executive Director ), Vanessa Fino Tierno (Director of Forms Acquisition and Management), Pedro Boucherie Mendes (Director of Strategic Planning), Aida Pinto (Deputy Director of Programming and Antenna Management) and Cristina Verdú

In themed channels Júlia Pinheiro is SIC Director Mulher and SIC Caras, Pedro Boucherie Mendes of
SIC Radical and Vanessa Fino Tierno of the SIC Children's Chain K. Pedro Amante is the Editor-in-Chief of Digital Content [19659005] Facebook "/>
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