SIC News | About half of the patches of the Shroud were made with a brush


"There are many contradictions that indicate that the Shroud is not authentic, that it is an artistic or didactic representation," says one of the investigators.

The study, published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, was conducted by Matteo Borrini, of Liverpool John Moores University, and Luigi Garlaschelli, of the Committee on Control of Statements on Pseudoscience (CIPAF ), were published yesterday by the Italian newspaper La Stampa

Luigi Garlaschelli gave his own "manifesto body" for to experience in which the true and artificial blood was used, wrapped in a similar tissue at the Shroud.

Using the same methodology for criminal scenarios, investigators determined that many bloodstains on the Shroud are not compatible with those left by a crucified body. 19659002] "We have simulated the crucifixion with crosses of different shapes, different types of wood with different body positions: horizontal arms, vertical, on the head," they report. They concluded that many of the plaques could only be made by a standing, uncoated body.

This survey only examined the blood flow of an injury, did not analyze the substance spread on the tissue that created the spots.

"The Shroud and the mythology that surrounds it


"They seem to have been created artificially, with a finger or a brush", say the researchers

Borrini & Garlaschelli / Journal of Forensic Science [AccordingtothecatholicrepresentationoftheHolyTemplethelengthof43metersoflengthandwidthofthebodyofJesusChristforthreedaysafterthecrucifixion

The fabric has been preserved since the 17th century in the Saint-Jean-Baptiste cathedral in Turin.

The relic has always provoked lively debates, both scientific and theological. The Catholic Church has never officially confirmed its veracity, considering that it is a manifestation of popular devotion.

In 1988, three laboratories in the United States, Switzerland and England determined that linen was made in the Middle Ages between 1260 and 1390.

But scientific analyzes have not yet been in able to determine how the image of a body was created in the fabric. The reddish spots are consistent with the result of the wounds – they contain iron oxide, which can be a pigment or blood.

There is therefore no concrete proof that the Shroud is a fraud. The scientific mystery remains.

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