SIC News | € 1.6 million support for green spaces against heat


Three of the selected projects, out of 31 applications, will receive 200,000 euros each. This is the case of proposals from the municipalities of Viana do Castelo, Gavião – in the district of Portalegre, and Cascais, according to data from the Ministry of the Environment.

In Gavião, green spaces will be organized in the "Tapada da Senhora" to obtain shading areas to regulate the ambient temperature and counteract the "heat island" effect.

The Viana do Castelo bid includes two fire prevention and climate risk management projects and will focus on fuel management in the protection areas of the municipal road network and in the industrial areas of Neiva and Lanheses.

The Cascais proposal aims to increase resilience to climate change by renaturing a community garden in order to reduce the consumption of water and other natural resources, but also to reduce the heat in urban areas.

Financing contracts, which will be signed today at a ceremony in Barreiro, with the presence of the Minister of the Environment, João Matos Fernandes, represent a total investment of 2.1 million euros, for support of 1.6 million euros

The opinion of the Environmental Fund, launched in February, was intended for municipalities or associations of municipalities with applications to reduce fire risks, creating green spaces and solutions to regulate the ambient temperature in urban spaces.

In addition to these three applications, the municipality of Viseu will receive 175,600 euros to reduce lawn areas in the municipality, reducing the costs of water in irrigation and increasing the sustainability of spaces, favoring solutions that diminish the impact

Viseu predicts that the adaptation of the irrigation system will allow a reduction of about 80% of water consumption.

of the Coimbra region, the Environmental Fund allocated about 170,000 euros to provide public spaces with adequate conditions to deal with periods of extreme heat, creating shelters, with systems of cooling powered solar panels.

afforestation of "Monte do Picoto", with the planting of indigenous species and capable of capturing carbon, turning the area into a small lung of Braga obtained a positive response from the Environmental Fund and will have 166 000 euros of support

For Barreiro 159 300 euros to promote afforestation and requalification of the urban axis and to obtain corridors of shade and ventilation.

The 121,000 euros allocated to the municipality of Amarante are intended for the requalification of 18 green spaces with replacement of lawns by shrubs and herbaceous plants with little need for water.

The project presented by the municipality of Montalegre, in the district of V ila Real, has a funding of 93,800 euros for the management of stands using techniques that do not involve the mobilization of soils and promote the protection and conservation of soil and water, and the municipality of S. João da Pesqueira, in the district

Castelo Branco proposed to reforest 56.31 hectares of native species in the Serra da Gardunha, an area affected by a fire in August 2017, and will receive 44

Some of these areas are located in the Natura 2000 network and others are included in the protected landscape of the Serra da Gardunha


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