SIC News | Hospitals need at least 150 pharmacists said bastonária


In statements to Lusa, Ana Paula Martins, indicates that the Order has conducted a needs survey, hospital to hospital, which will be delivered to the Ministry of Health, concluding that 150 pharmacists are missing and a number identical diagnostic technicians and surgical assistants, professionals essential for team work in hospital pharmacies.

The author claims that, for the time being, no significant impact has been felt in hospital pharmacy services during the first week of transition from 40 to 35 hours of work per week.

Although the lack of professionals in hospital pharmacies was already significant before 35 hours, especially in the last four or five years.

Although in the first week the impact has not yet been felt in pharmacy services, the staff assumes that "the concern is very big" with the passage of 40 to 35 hours a week [19659002] "If we were already in situations of great fragility to maintain the services and we already had, in the zones of the country, closed the services of night without the 35 hours, with the 35 hours, we feared that The situation was aggravated "said Ana Paula Martins in Lusa, the president pointed out the delays in forecasting and planning the 35 hours:" The hiring has now begun to occur, so we said that he should have

What we are doing now could have been done earlier, but now we have to wait for it. "

Pharmacists' Representative Believes Ministry of Health Needs Assessment of each hospital, although the Order does not know how many pharmacists will be hired for public health units [19659002] The survey conducted by the College of Pharmacists on the needs of each hospital will also be sent to unit administrations, because Ana Paula Martins believes that they "will have a significant weight" in the choice of resources to engage. the need to have enough professionals to perform important functions such as chemotherapy, unit dose drugs or pediatric preparations.

By the end of June, staff had sent a letter to the Ministry of Health which announced that it was providing for a breakdown of care in hospitals "because there is no memory" of July 1965. The situation is so serious, says the letter, that "patient safety is in question". The College also stated that "most hospital pharmacy services" report the impact of staff shortages in the distribution and preparation of drugs for patients.


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