SIC News | More than 18 thousand people fired in Turkey by law decree


A total of 18,632 persons, including more than 9,000 police officers and 6,000 members of the Turkish armed forces, had their names published in this document

. Several Turkish media claimed to be the last

The state of emergency was decreed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the aftermath of the coup attempt in July 2016, and renewed successively

The Turkish media said that this exception regime would be lifted on Monday, following the seizure of Erdogan, re-elected on June 24.

The end of the state of emergency was one of the promises of the Turkish president. The now published decree also determined the closure of 12 associations, three newspapers and a television network.

On the other hand, according to the same text, 148 persons, restored in previous decrees, were readmitted to the public service. The Joint Non-Governmental Platform on Human Rights reported that 112,679 people had been fired on March 20, of which more than 8,000 in the armed forces, about 33,000 from the Ministry of Education and 31 000 from the Ministry of the Interior. Of these, 22,600 belonged to the General Directorate of Security.


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