SIC News | Obama in Porto today to discuss climate change


The intervention of the 44th President of the United States of America, who made the fight against climate change a priority for his mandates, between 2009 and 2017, is scheduled for 15:00

Front An audience of about 3,000 guests, Obama will address the importance of addressing the global climate change issue and answer about 25 selected questions.

According to the Managing Director of The Fladgate Parternship, Adrian Bridge, and the former President of the United States was chosen for two reasons: "Has a well-connected curriculum in this area of ​​sustainability and climate change is a person very interested in this area of ​​human responsibility "

Before Obama, the former vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a member of the Nobel Peace Prize winning team in 2007, who will speak about recent discoveries in the field of climate change

Irina Bokova, former UNESCO Director General, will describe how these changes affect the Douro Valley and the historic center of Porto, two World Heritage sites, and what can be done to protect them.

After a lunch break, during which the guests are not the President of the Foundation for the the Advanced Adership (FAL), Juan Verde, will make a presentation on how the fight against climate change can be positive for economic development and the environment.

the Oporto Protocol, which calls on its subscribers to "do more than they do to help mitigate and solve climate change – a problem but with a direct impact on the agricultural sector", reads in the document to which Lusa had access.

It also aims to create a database of case studies on what can be done and who can help assuming that the signatory companies can share their successes so that others may have easy access to these data.

"The concept is simple. There is already a lot of knowledge already acquired and there is no competitive advantage in keeping it secret, because we can only fight against climate change by combining our efforts. It's a common problem that requires a joint response, "said Adrian Bridge

in an interview with Lusa before the" 2018 Climate Change Leadership Port Summit, "the owner of Port Taylor Wine Cellars, Fonseca, Croft and Krohn explained that the basis of the event is "to do more tomorrow than we do today."

Adrian Bridge has already planned an upcoming event for the wine industry, the "Conference on Climate Change Leadership – Solution for the Wine Industry", March 6 and 7, 2019, and has revealed that he was thinking of doing another, in 2021, because he believes that from Porto and Portugal, it is possible to "lead the problem around the world".


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