Slowing the fight against HIV could dampen gains, says program director


The director of the National Program against HIV / AIDS, Isabel Aldir, warned Thursday of the need to maintain commitment and investment in the fight against the disease, considering that a slowdown may mitigate what has already been achieved [19659002] "Everything we have achieved so far is easily mortgaged if there is a slowdown in some strategies, whether in terms of diagnosis, fighting stigma or preventing new infections, "Aldir told reporters at the presentation ceremony of the report" HIV and AIDS Infection – Challenges and Strategies. "

The United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS – known as 90/90/90 – targets% of people living with HIV / AIDS are diagnosed, 90% of people diagnosed are on treatment and 90% of people on treatment reach viral load undetectable to the point that it is impossible to transmit
According to the latest report on the situation in Portugal and data for 2016, 91.7% of the population is infected with HIV

Portugal has already achieved two of these goals: the identification of infected persons and undetectable people. people living with HIV are diagnosed, 86.8% of those diagnosed are treated and 90.3% of those treated have undetectable viral load.

Portugal is part of the small group of European countries with more people diagnosed with HIV and more patients in treatment who have stopped transmitting infection, an official of the Organization World Health Organization (WHO) said Friday. Isabel Aldir explained that this is the translation of a total commitment of the whole society in the fight against this disease, showing that it is possible to achieve the goal of eliminating disease as a public health problem in Portugal.

he said, has always been considered a priority by all governments over the past 35 years. As for the diagnosis of the disease, there is still a considerable percentage of late diagnoses in Portugal, which, according to Isabel Aldir, is more common among heterosexuals, a section of the population that does not identify as being at risk.

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