Surgeon Eduardo Barroso suffers from a heart attack on vacation in the Algarve – Society


Surgeon Eduardo Barroso suffered a heart attack Saturday while he was on vacation in the Algarve. The doctor had to be hospitalized urgently at the Faro Hospital where he underwent catheterization.

This is a surgical procedure consisting of the introduction of a catheter, an extremely thin flexible tube, into the artery of the arm or leg, which will be transported to the heart and will serve to remove the fatty plaques in the vessels.

The operation went well and the doctor's state of health is stable. He is admitted to the Intensive Coronary Care Unit.

Eduardo Barroso is 69 years old and was the pioneer in Portugal in the fields of liver, biliary and pancreatic transplantation, areas in which he is a world reference. He has already performed more than a thousand transplants and is currently Director of the Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic and Transplantation Center (CHBPT) of Curry Cabral Hospital.

Sportinguista ferrenho, has participated in several commentary programs on football. He was the personal physician of the President of the Republic, Jorge Sampaio. Nephew, by affinity, Mário Soares, closely followed the last days of the former President of the Republic.

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