Take | Chronicle of a medieval dinner in the convent of Christ (c / fotogaleria)


Silence. The king and the queen have just arrived. Haughty, they march in the center of the room. There is applause. That the marriage begins. This was the beginning of the Royal Dinner, which animated the emblematic space of the Refectory of the Brothers at the Convent of Christ in Tomar on the night of Friday, July 6th. An initiative under the "Templar Festival" where, in addition to medieval flavors, fool, mountaineers, prostitutes, dance and music were not lacking. Away were the cutlery and glasses, with the guests, at the time, having to taste the food only with the help of a spoon in wood … and of a very good disposition.

Cheeses, chorizo ​​and meat pies for starters. Pumpkin soup, boar with beans, cabbage D. Prior. Cherries, plums and other stone fruits for dessert, with sericaia and apple afternoon. In just two days, the 192 registrations were exhausted, and there was still a lot of strangers to the event. The food arrived there in thermal bags and is stacked in the kitchen, before being brought to the tables where the atmosphere is relaxed.

  Take | Chronicle of a medieval dinner at the Convent of Christ (with photo gallery)
Real dinner at the Refectory of the Brothers in the Convent of Christ Photo: mediotejo.net

Ana Duarte is from Lisbon. This is the first time that she participates in the Real Dinner and arrives with a group of friends, attracted by the characteristics of the event. "For usability, for food, for the party that makes us go back in time," he says, ignoring the flavors that he was preparing to prove. More fun, an English couple claimed to love everything. "We have found the fantastic event.We will come back, it is sure.It is interesting to honor the Templar heritage with this event."

Nascimento Costa, in the organization since the first part of the Knights Templar, explained us that the idea of ​​this royal dinner came to complete the recreation of the medieval era. The preparation of the same includes a staff of 20 people, taking care of the smallest detail. The learning goes on, for example, through the participation of medieval cooking workshops that were given to the members of the organization.

  Tomar | Chronicle of a medieval dinner in the convent of Christ (with photo gallery)
The animation was a constant during the real dinner, with the actors interacting with the participants of the meal Photo: mediotejo.net [19659005] "The soup does not take potatoes but pumpkin.Then we have wild boar, which was abundant at the time, and cabbages to D. Prior, which carries the meat among others. This is a dish that is served in many restaurants in the area.To drink we have lemonade, which we started to do because at that time, the water did not always taste the best, and the lemon disguised this flavor, "says Nascimento Costa, member of the Comenda Real Association

placed dishes and only a wooden spoon.The napkin, of course, is a torn fabric.Only the phones mobiles are allowed and end up being part of the clothes in. to record the moments, in a room where the acoustics are phenomenal.

  Tomar | Chronicle of a medieval dinner at the Convent of Christ (with photo gallery)
All details were taken into account, in preparation for the pageant Foto: mediotejo.net

At 8 pm, the guests began to appear, dressed rigor The dinner animation, punctuated by humorous moments, was in charge of the "Magic Content", with the intervention of these actors to give magic to the recreation. For those organizing this event, the most rewarding is to offer a moment of conviviality in a different dinner. "Most people who participate come with the desire to experience something completely different, and what is certain is that it is a different dinner from the usual, as much by the Environment, only by food and even by the challenge of only having to stir with a wooden spoon, as at that time, "he adds. very happy.

  Take | Chronicle of a medieval dinner at the Convento de Cristo [galerie photographique]
Team that served the guests of this royal dinner just before the start of the event Photo: mediotejo.net

Paulo Leite, who works for Momentos Mágicos, explained to mediotejo.net that the entire staging was prepared specifically for this real dinner, with the alignment to think in detail. The king and queen are also contractual actors, and although they do not speak much, they are a fundamental piece. "We have a script with texts and alignment, we have storytellers, a group of girls, dance music and idiots."

After dinner, the guests went outside to the castle walls , where they watched the re-creation of the siege by the Moors, July 13, 1190. A recreation that counted among the Moors and Templars, with about 70 actors and extras, many of whom are Nabantinos. A story that ends with the victory of Christians, "with the value of D. Gualdim and the strength of God, for the sake of Tomar and Portugal."

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