Teatro da Trindade welcomes Carmen Dolores in the hall that will take her name – Observer


The memories of Carmen Dolores inspired the play "Carmen", which will premiere at the Teatro da Trindade in Lisbon, whose main play will be named after the actress who made her stage debut [19659002] "Carmen" is a piece with which the artistic director of this theater, Diogo Infante, pays tribute to the actress who, despite her great esteem, only understood "how important it was" by reading the three works that he wrote and which ends up being described as "biography". With the dramaturgy and staging of Diogo Infante, "Carmen", scene in the Trindade until July 29 – with four recitals included in the 35th Almada Festival – has a stage space and a costume of Marta Carreiras, the drawing by Miguel Seabra and

The premiere will present a tribute to the actress by the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and with the presence of the Minister of Culture, Luís Filipe Castro Mendes

L & # The tribute also serves as a pretext for giving the actress' name to the main theater where Carmen Dolores made her film debut and later to the theater, Diogo Infante pointed out to the Lusa agency.

A possibility that also makes the director of the play feel "very happy", even though it's also a task of "a lot of responsibility," he argued. "Because even though this theater does not have the institutional weight of some theaters, I'm lucky that Carmen has a story with Trinidad," said Diogo Infante, adding that the idea of ​​putting this stage piece came when she looked at the last book. written by the actress.

"Voices Inside Me", the third memoir of Carmen Dolores, published in 2017, was the starting point, although Diogo Infante has "cut" elements in the previous two volumes of the actress who He has made his debut at the theater, in Trinidad, in 1945.

For its part, the actress Carmen Dolores asserted "very surprising" and without knowing how far "it's worth it" "Eye" texts that have written about his life and career of 60 years. "I still have not seen the show, and I hope it's interesting, although the text thinks … well, it's not worth much," recounted L & # 39; 39; actress at the Lusa news agency. it gives me joy and I think, above all, that it's a way of talking about people who, often, are not there … to give an idea of ​​what the theater was before, "says Carmen Dolores in an interview with Lusa agency. Therefore, the actress – who made her film debut in "Love of Doom" (1943) and two years later, at the theater in "Electra, the Messenger of Gods" by Jean Giraudoux in Trinidad – was "admired", when Diogo Infante watched the release of his third book and was interested in staging it.

The choice of who would play the role of Carmen was done later with Diogo Infante, who both agreed that "the ideal person was Natalia Luiza," he said. "As we are all three friends, we were together in" The Specters ", Ibsen, and I think Natalia looks a little like me, in her way to be and in his interrogations, we decided that it would be Natalia. "

In 2005," Copenhagen ", Teatro Aberto's piece, marks the departure of Carmen Dolores from the stage, after more than 60 years of career. "To save himself and live a few years more reasonably", as he said at the same time. time, in an interview with Lusa. Even because the theater always caused him great anguish, which led him to never understand how happy he was.

Only now, "remotely", Carmen Dolores – born in Lisbon, April 22, 1924, and with a long career where he walked on almost every stage of Portuguese theaters – he continues to quote "The Sailor "from Fernando Pessoa, as he had done 13 years ago in an interview with Lusa. "Are you happy, sister?" Asks a sailor, and another responds, "I'm starting to be there once."

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