Temer's minister proposes that Mereilles defend "leniency" to the box and the collection in the SUS


BRASÍLIA – Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Carlos Marun, proposed on Sunday that the MDB and the party's pre-party candidate to the presidency of the Republic, the former Minister of Finance, Henrique Meirelles , defend a form of "clemency" the second box practiced in past elections and the establishment of a mandate for ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Marun suggested the establishment of a constitutional court to "resolve conflicts" between the Supreme Court and the Constitution, a higher council for external control of the police and advanced the social field, recommending the end of the total free Patients Unified Health System (SUS)

"We will cancel the election bureaucracy, but in reality punish the use of illegal money in lawsuits, we can propose a form of leniency for the two species already practiced and criminalize it for the future, "wrote the Minister, Operation Spurious Registry, suspected of interference in the registration of unions in the Ministry of Labor. "We will propose mandates for the STF, repeal the Bengal law, vote for the abuse of power law, and create a constitutional court that can resolve conflicts between the STF's decisions and the federal Constitution." a Superior Police Council, "

The amnesty at box two and the limit to the mandate of the ministers of the Supreme were discussed in the political reform, which was discussed at the National Congress last year ., but they barely reverberated and did not advance.

The Minister's ideas were published in a Whatsapp group of parliamentarians from MDB and Meirelles.The minister confirmed to the state [19659005] the paternity of the message, but did not detail the proposals. "Personal opinion for the discussion sent to the group of MDB deputies and to the candidate.I did not go into details, I want to provoke the discussion of all the proposed items. "[19659002] In the text, Marun tells MEPs that if Meirelles does not win the election, "at least we will be proud of not having participated in the elections". Marun said that he did not know if Meirelles would adopt the proposals in his government program.

Marun criticizes in the message two potential opponents of Meirelles in the race for the succession of President Michel Temer, the former Governor of São Paulo Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) and the former Minister of the Farm Ciro Gomes (PDT), whom he calls "mentally weak". He urges parliamentarians to support Meirelles, even though he admits that the government has helped the Toucan by putting pressure on the Centrão parties (DEM, PP, PR, PRB and Solidarity) not to enter into an alliance. with Ciro

in denunciations (against Temer) makes him unworthy of our support. We help his candidacy is true, vetoing the support of Ciro Gomes' weak-minded Centrão. This support was for toucans, but not everything is bad. that Alckmin's fellowship does not make him the candidate for the moment, "writes the minister.

Reforms Marun urges the emedebistas to embark on a reform retreats in November this year – abandoned by the Temer government after the federal intervention in the security of Rio.

For the next term, he suggests that a debate be started in January. cuts spending, reduces the number of parliamentarians and parties and advocates the end of re-election to the executive.The Minister defends a reform of the public administration "with the relativisation of stability and a salary cap of 39; access to the public service, not exceeding one third of the exit ceiling. "" We will radicalize privatization and propose the autonomy of the Central Bank, "he writes.

Health and Education The minister he advocated maintaining the main federal income transfer program, but he advocated a change in the SUS, now free for all users – health care would be charged to a portion of the population. "We will keep the family subsidy, but we will propose a minimum value for public health care, keeping an absolute bonus only for those who are really poor," he suggested.

Marun also said that the state should impose on open television, utilities, the production of "educational programs" produced by the government every day between 9am and 11am and between 2pm and 4pm in the # 39, afternoon.

Nunning's party, Marun called for support for real measures of struggle "Let's warn us to say that chains are now universities of crime, that there must be repeat offenders and those who represent a danger to society, We must propose hard measures, but alternatives. It's an imbecility to detain criminals in jails so that they leave dangerous criminals there. "

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