Thailand "Three to four days" to complete the rescue of children – World


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The next few days will be the most likely to move forward with the withdrawal of the 12 young men and the coach. The confirmation came from the Thai authorities themselves and takes into account not only the level of water in the cave and the expected weather, but also the health status of the boys.

At the beginning of operations, it was thought that the rescue could take several months. However, the growing fragility of children but also the intensification of rains, predicted for the region next week, could pose a great danger for children cornered in a small room.

"The level of water can reach the area where the children stayed and make this area less than ten square meters," admitted Narongsak Osottanakorn, governor of the area where the cave is located.

It is recalled that the football team retained two weeks ago is composed of children and young people aged 11 to 16 years. The football director is 25 years old.

But children detained in the cave can not swim or dive, and the conditions are unfavorable even for the most experienced – Friday, a former Thai Navy diver lost his life by participating in military operations. Rescue – If at all costs arrange alternatives to a cave flooded with murky water, strong currents and dark and narrow tunnels.

For this reason, more than 100 holes have been made in the mountain where the cave is located, although no approach has been made.

"We made more than 100 holes, but we have not yet located his position," the governor told reporters.

Friday, American businessman Elon Musk volunteered to participate in this rescue mission and will travel to Thailand with a team of nine engineers, some of whom are already on site . The billionaire believes that a device developed by his teams could be helpful in this quest.

Letters of Children and Parents

The day was also marked by the first direct correspondence between the children and their families, after the authorities tried a telephone connection of several kilometers that would not never worked.

Today, rescuers have released letters written by children, the first test of group life since the videos that were released earlier this week. In the messages sent, the children try to calm their parents, make sure that everything is fine and that they will come back soon.

Filipe Pinto – RTP

Among the many missives there was also the 25-year-old team coach, who apologized to families for taking the group to the school. children explore the cave two weeks ago, June 23, after a football game.

Parents still responded to the letters today and are trying to cheer the group up. In a letter, the mother of one of the boys writes on behalf of all: "For all children, we are not angry at you, take care of yourself, do not forget to cover with blankets when it does We're worried, you'll be leaving soon, "you can read.

At the coach, the children's parents ask, "Do not blame yourself, we want you to know we're not upset, do not do it for that."

Meanwhile, the weather forecast for the next few days is rushing over the work of the rescue team and this Saturday there was an accident with an off-road vehicle involved in the operations, which resulted in one seriously injured and three light.

Another problem that is worrying more and more rescue teams is the low level of oxygen inside the cave and the high level of carbon dioxide, which could hamper operations and the very survival of the group.

According to the authorities, levels are now approaching 15 percent, far below levels considered healthy (21 percent), also due to the presence of hundreds of people involved in the rescue.

"If the level of oxygen falls below 12 percent, it could affect the brain and people inside," said Chiang Rai's governor.

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