"The best answer is the prevention of disease"


The regional government yesterday signed a program contract with the Portuguese Foundation "The Community Against AIDS" and received support of € 27,500. Pedro Ramos, Regional Secretary of Health, said that this is an area where everyone needs to be involved because this is part of the "priorities" of regional executive policies.

"We have to respond to all situations and this may possibly come up and the best answer is always in the area of ​​disease prevention and health promotion," said the official, praising the work of the foundation

The national president of the Portuguese Foundation "The Community Against AIDS", Filomena Brazão de Aguiar, said that this partnership is "of utmost importance" for the implementation of the plan of Activities of this institution. "I would like to thank all those who contributed to this mission, on behalf of our board of directors," he added, adding that the work of "collaborators"

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