The best of Odemira promises "good sensations to all" at FACECO


Gastronomy, crafts, national XXX contest of the race of cattle limousines and music. It will be, from this Friday, July 20, FACECO – Fair cultural and economic activities of the municipality of Odemira, just that "has a loyal audience", but promises "good feelings to all" .

In statements to Sul Informação Ricardo Cardoso, deputy mayor of Odemira, felt that "FACECO is the place where the best of Odemira is demonstrated". Whether in the field of agriculture or traditions, it is a fair that promises to liven up the city of São Teotónio until Sunday 22.

"We will have the craft, with 50 artisans working live, but also stands The gastronomy and local products are also ingredients with the main companies in the sectors of activity of county, such as tourism, agriculture and forestry, "Ricardo Cardoso told our newspaper.

"This is a fair that already has a loyal audience, but we also believe that we are able to attract those who spend their holidays in our tourist destinations, such as Zambujeira do Mar and Vila Nova de Milfontes , which at that time, have a lot of people, "said the deputy mayor of Odemira to Sul Informação.

At FACECO, the presence of the sector of l & # 39; breeding will be once again quite strong, with several exhibitions and competitions of various breeds.

As has been the case for several years, the breed of bovine limousine will be of great importance, because FACECO receives the 30th National Competition

The contest is the meeting point and business between domestic and foreign breeders, in which is the county where is the Portuguese Association of Limousine Breeders and the largest number of breeders [19659004]

Still in the dry The 15th Holstein Friesian Regional Breeding Contest and the 23rd Cabernet Charnequeira Regional Competition will take place in the country.

Regarding the number of visitors, Ricardo Cardoso said that it is usually "about 30,000, and this year we expect to have numbers in that order." [19659004] However, he said, more than thousands of people, the goal is to "give a good feeling to those who go to FACECO". "It is very important to have quality and we believe that we have a great competition, with a nice place, lots of beautiful green spaces," he said.

True, the fair welcomes people from Alentejo and Algarve who are "very close to us here in Odemira."

In addition, there is also a strong presence of thousands of immigrants, who work in the southwest of Alentejo, pick red fruits (and not only).

And there will even be a showcooking of Nepalese cuisine at 19:20

But FACECO still has another component: a musical Here, the highlights go to the performances of the group Fado Lele (Friday, July 20), Miguel Gameiro (Saturday) and Fernando Daniel (Sunday).

Photos: Pedro Lemos | (S), if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s) [0] (js, fjs)} (document, "script", "js", "js", "js", "facebook-jssdk"); [ad_2]
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