The biggest commitment of the government is with European rules and "it's not like that" says PCP – Observer


PCP Secretary General Jerónimo de Sousa said today that the government's major commitment to EU rules warns that "this is not the case. "because the structural problems of society will remain unresolved. This is not the case. Taking into account the underlying problems, the structural problems we have in Portuguese society and this fire drama, we must make choices. The options should be to respond to the anxieties and problems of the workers and the people, not the other way around, "said Jerónimo de Sousa, who spoke with reporters during a visit to Treixedo, a village of Santa Comba Dão affected by the great fires of October 15.

For the secretary general of the PCP, the government continues to make "a limited option, whose commitment" is greater with the rules of the European Union, it is with the European Union. "

" The Government makes choices, namely to fulfill, with almost religiosity, debt service, billions of dollars. 39 euros that go to this insatiable well, "choosing to reduce the deficit with" millions and millions of euros that could help solve that

questioned whether today the PCP is further away from the PS, Jerónimo de Sousa pointed out that the differences between the two parties "were It has been affirmed "and, on the part of the Party itself

Taking the example of the fires, Jerónimo de Sousa felt that the greatest commitment of the government should be" with the workers and with the Portuguese people and with these populations, who often do not know what to do with life. "

" Who hears the government talking about the measures, the millions, giving an idea of ​​progress [tem expectativas]. But we come here and this reality confronts these statements, even devaluing what are the announcement of programs, plans of defense of the interior ", he underlines.

For Jerónimo de Sousa, a first step for the government to show that it defends the interior of the country would be to take measures for the reconstruction of homes affected by fires, and to support the economic activity and the forest destroyed by the flames of 2017.

Asked about the case of Tancos, Jerónimo de Sousa reaffirmed the position of the PCP, considering that "All matters relating to the event in Tancos should be clarified, especially by the public prosecutor , which is ongoing. "

As to whether the Minister of Defense should provide clarification, the Secretary General of the PCP pointed out that" Everything that contributes to enlightenment is good, but that does not should not lead to the devaluation of the investigation that the prosecutor's office has underway. "[19659002] The equipment stolen from the barracks of Tancos, Santarém, in 2017, has not yet been recovered, reported Saturday the 39th. weekly Expresso, noting that there remained grenades and explosives to be returned

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