The Center's health rejects the thesis that colon cancer screening and the right position


"The ARSC is not in a pilot project, it has been working in a structured and planned way since 2009, with the difficulties inherent in an activity of this magnitude," the agency said in a statement. a statement sent to the Lusa agency. On Monday, Europacolon President, Vítor Neves, said that nationally referenced patients after a positive stool occult blood test (PSOF) waited on average five months to perform a colonoscopy, when "the ideal is three weeks", and denounced that the ARS Center "did stop the screening."

"The most serious part is that the necessary colonoscopies, of those with fecal occult positive blood, are not patient complaints are that colonoscopies take months to be marked, which is contrary to the philosophy screening and survival of people who need

According to the ARSC, the screening program is underway in more than 50 health centers in the region, and currently the membership of the population is from the order of 60% "

In the Centro region," the public hospitals that collaborate with ARS in screening are Hospital S. Teotónio (Viseu), St. Andrew Hospital (Leiria), the hospital Figueira da Foz and the IPO Coimbra. "

" In general, the response was very fast (reaching about 15 days between the PSOF positive and the call to colonoscopy). conjuncture, there may be a delay, but hospital services, once the ec detected, do everything to solve it. "

The note also notes that, with respect to the IPO,"

"The year 2017 was marked by a change in the original screening method, in order to increase the sensitivity and specificity of the test, ie to ensure a more effective and early detection of precancerous lesions.This change, advantageous in terms of better care provided to the population, has led to a some disruption of access, result of the many changes that had to be made to adapt to this new reality. "

ARSC" extend the program [de rastreio] to the entire region by the end of 2018 and, to this end, provide the functional units of health centers (ACeS) the necessary logistical conditions, as well as "

" Another relevant aspect relates to the allocation of the system dedicated computer system in the participating hospitals, as well as the link between the computer systems that allow the management, monitoring and evaluation of the program in terms of productivity, waiting time and results ", which is being acquired, refers to ARSC [19659010] (function (d, s, id)
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