The consumption of dried fruits improves the quality of sperm


The habit of eating nuts, almonds and hazelnuts improves the quality and quantity of sperm, namely vitality, shape and mobility, factors that are directly related to male fertility, concluded a study conducted by the University Rovira i Virgili (URV), in Reus, Tarragona, whose results were presented Wednesday in Barcelona at the Congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

"Our work shows the beneficial role of continuous consumption of nuts in relation to the quality of sperm ", summarizes Professor Albert Salas-Huetos, responsible for the clinical trial, quoted by the newspaper
. that the evidence resulting from this study shows "the need for further research to establish specific dietary recommendations for men."

How the study was done

A total of 119 volunteers aged 18 to 35 participated in this study. Men in good health, but with a diet low in vegetables and fruits. They were divided into two distinct groups, in which one participant consumed 60 grams per day of nuts, including nuts, almonds and hazelnuts, and in the other group, the normal diet was maintained.

After 14 weeks, it was concluded the sperm count increased by 16% in men who consumed nuts

At the beginning and end of this clinical trial, the blood and sperm of the subjects of two groups were analyzed. After 14 weeks, it was concluded that sperm count increased by 16% in men who ate nuts.

Omega-3 fats and antioxidant micronutrients, abundant in nuts, affect semen quality

Mean, a 4% increase in vitality, 6% in mobility, and 1% in morphology. spermatozoa from individuals in the group who consumed daily nuts were detected. According to the newspaper
The Vangardia
the work done by URV adds to other studies

It is "obvious" that nuts "are a key element of the healthy Mediterranean diet", stresses the study

but despite the fact that omega-3 fats and antioxidant micronutrients abound in nuts. benefits of daily consumption of nuts, warns Albert Salas-Huetos. "We can not tell couples who want to have a child who eats nuts, it would not be correct to make recommendations from a single study." Salas-Huetos prefers to emphasize that the importance of a healthy lifestyle, "which includes good nutrition, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol and stress, helps to improve Fertility parameters, "says the main author of the study. Spanish, cited by The Vanguardia . But it is "obvious" that nuts "are a key part of the healthy Mediterranean diet," emphasizes the teacher.

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