The Federal Council of OAB defends the moderating role of justice


MANAUS – In a statement posted on its website, the Federal Council and the São Paulo Federal District (Brazil), in a statement posted on its website, the OAB Branch Presidents' College has defended the moderating role of the judiciary. According to the entity, the contradictory decisions on the former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva generate legal uncertainty.

The Board of Administration of the Federal Council and the College of Presidents of Sections of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) issue the following statement:

Faced with the convulsion created by conflicting decisions involving Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stressed that the political tensions that have long shaken the country underline the need to highlight the moderating role of Justice.

Politico-partisan clashes, natural in a democracy, do not find an echo in the judicial system.

Today, we are perplexed to see a series of contradictory decisions that bring deep insecurity to all.
We emphasize that legal certainty, indispensable in a democratic state of law, is achieved by exalting and respecting the legal system and due process.

For the country not interested in procedural turmoil, legal insecurity, subversion of the rules of the hierarchy. It is fundamental to ensure legal stability. The company can not be surprised at any time.

Serenity and institutional responsibility are what is expected of all judges. Politics and justice can not be confused under any circumstances. There is no justice of right or left.

Council of the Federal Council of the OAB

College of Presidents of Sectionals

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