After the episode of "disrespect", the former governor of Rio Sérgio Cabral is in an isolation cell in Bangu 8
where they are imprisoned, in addition to Cabral, the former secretary of the government Wilson Carlos the Felipe Picciani son of the former president of Legislative Assembly of Rio Jorge Picciani Edson Albertassi and Paulo Mello and ] The prosecutor allegedly ordered everyone to "bend down and face the wall".
In a note, the Secretary of State at the Prison Service (19459004) confirmed the isolation. "In the gallery where distress Sérgio Cabral he delayed the exit of the cell and did not put himself in a position of respect, as it is usual during judicial, ministerial or Seap inspections
Also according to Seap, "the appropriate disciplinary procedure with respect to the conduct of the detainee [ Cabral ") was instituted .. The Secretariat also informed that Judge of the Court of Criminal Justice ( VEP ) was informed of the incident and will determine the "consequences of the behavior of the guardian."
Cabral's lawyer has declared that he will represent at National Council of the Public Prosecutor (19459004) Seap stresses that the bailee will continue to isolate until the decision of the judge of the VEP, "informed the secretary. CNMP ) against André Guilherme for a misdemeanor of abuse of power. He also informed that he will initiate a personal action of compensation against the attorney.
The report requested a position on the floor which has not yet been positioned.
See also:
Sérgio Cabral is received with fireworks and complains about the treatment
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