The German minister has boasted that 69 Afghans had been expelled for their 69th birthday. Now, one of them has been killed


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer resists the demand of several parties to resign, after a young Afghan deported deported from Germany a week ago would have committed suicide at the Where he had been posted. Kabul

Seehofer, who is the head of the CSU (the Bavarian equivalent of Angela Merkel of the CDU), advocated a hard line on emigration and recently almost knocked the government out. because of that. Their pressures – which in turn are a response to the electoral competition of Alternativ fur Deutschland, the far-right and anti-emigration party – have led to the adoption of increasingly aggressive stances. Towards asylum seekers

On Tuesday, the minister publicly praised the 69 deportations carried out on the same day, July 4. "It's on my 69th birthday – not even under my command – that 69 people have been sent back to Afghanistan – much more than usual," he said at a press conference held in Innsbruck with other anti-emigration ministers.

Minister Rejects Responsibilities

Already, at the time, leftist politicians considered the observation to be "disgusting" and "shameful", saying that it was showing a lack of 39; humanity. But the news that one of the deportees, a 23-year-old man who had been living in Germany for eight years (so he went to the minor), had hanged himself in the hotel. where he was to be transferred to the city of Herat, caused outrage in Germany

The minister defended himself by remembering that the Hamburg authorities had placed the young man on the list. As for his grace on digital coincidence, he declined to comment, as he did not do on the calls for his dismissal. "I have nothing to say about it," he explained

. Merkel, who announced in 2015 her intention to host Syrian refugees, paid a high political price and was forced to shudder – to a certain extent. Last year, after a bomb killed 80 people in Kabul, he said only refugees who had committed crimes would be deported.

"You are in the wrong position," says a deputy

The International Organization for Migration, who uses the hotel where the young deportee was, asked that "instead of deportations voluntary repatriations with reintegration assistance, explaining that "forced returns carry the view of failure, encourage precarious reintegration and increase the risks and difficulties of returnees."

Austrian Minister from the Interior, present at the summit with Seehofer, defended his colleague: "There is no pattern that allows us to exclude that someone takes his own life in despair. " But a Free Democrats MP insisted on Seehofer's dismissal: "Someone who celebrates 69 deportations to his 69th birthday is in the wrong position."

Another Social Democrat (Merkel's government partners) wrote more synthetically Twitter: "His resignation is already delayed Hello, coalition?!?"

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