The João de Deus House Museum highlights Pessoa and Maria da Luz by Deus Ramos in July and August


The museum house João de Deus continues its regular program during the months of July and August, and also presents an exhibition of the artist Luis Liberato and continues to highlight the work of Fernando Pessoa and Maria da Luz Deus Ramos

The revitalization of a commemorative cycle on Fernando Pessoa, documentary exhibition "We of Orpheus", will continue to be available for a public visit until July 16, from 10:00 am to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00

The tribute to Maria da Luz Ramos, granddaughter of the poet and educator João de Deus, integrated in the activity "Culture and Pedagogy" will continue until the end of the year. July 26, through the exhibition "Maria da Luz de Deus Ramos 1 life 1 work – biographical excerpts."

This exhibition aims to highlight and showcase this personality related to the region of l & # 39, Algarve, the municipality of Silves and the parish SB Mes sines – the land of Christmas of his grandfather – highlighting and recalling important role in the creation of the memorial places of the pedagogue (by emphasizing the sculptural monument of Raúl Xavier, Jardim Escola de João de Deus and Casa-Museu) [19659003] This activity integrates the celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Maria da Luz Finally, in the field of visual arts, on August 1, the opening of the exhibition "Sopro Vital" of Luís Liberato will take place at 18:30 , in the house museum João de Deus. This exhibition is based on recordings of memories with the contemporaneity of mixed media, leaving the viewer with visualization of the imaginary.

These activities are aimed at the general public

More information on programming can be collected from the Museum House or by phone 282 440 892 or by email at casamuseu.joaodeus@cm-silves .pt

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