THE MIRANTE | Magus dam restaurant at public auction


The municipality of Salvaterra de Magos is organizing a public sale on Friday, August 3, with the aim of granting the right to operate the restaurant of the Magos dam, in Várzea Fresca, parish of Salvaterra de Magos. The event takes place at 10:00 in the noble room of the building Paços do Concelho

All individual and collective entities who intend to provide quality service and who possess the skills and abilities the means to explore it can participate. The criteria for awarding the concession are based on the quality of the proposal to be studied, which includes the experience of restoration and recreational / cultural / sporting activities / events; and the price of the proposal, being the base value of two hundred euros per month.

Applicants must submit the documents by 5:00 pm on the business day preceding the auction as per the specifications, which are available at the Municipal Finance Division, on weekdays of 9 h at 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5 pm or on the municipal website

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