The National Journal – Ethics Board files the MP's term loss process


The Board of Ethics of the House approved Wednesday (11) the closure of the process of losing the mandate of a deputy who sleeps in prison by court order. And there are still four other members online.

MP João Rodrigues, PSD, has been serving a sentence since February. He was sentenced to five years and three months in prison under a semi-open scheme for fraud and dismissal when he was mayor of Pinhalzinho, Santa Catarina. He managed to get permission from the Federal Supreme Court to work as a deputy during the day and return to the penitentiary at night.

But the Rede Sustentabilidade party has asked the Ethics Council to revoke its mandate for violation of property. The case reporter, Ronaldo Lessa of the PDT, defended the closure of the case, which was approved by 14 votes to none.

"In my opinion, prison is a mistake. This is a misunderstanding. Now, I can not judge. The judiciary decides its situation. "

" Knowing that someone in prison came to the Chamber of Deputies to exercise the mandate of the Supreme Court,, to have the opportunity to speak, to vote on the major themes of our country and this person does not fit the parliamentary decorum, "said MP João Derly (Rede-RS)

The Ethics Council also released Celso Jacob, MDB, sentenced to seven years and two months of prison for not bidding for the construction of a nursery when he was mayor of Três Rios in Rio de Janeiro in 2002. He works as deputy during the day and sleeps in penitentiary [19659002] The rapporteur, Sandro Alex, of the PSD, called for the closure of the case because the MP can still appeal to the court.The vote on the report remained Thursday (12).

In both cases the court did not revoke the warrant, but the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the Chamber should rhyme the mandate of the deputy Paulo Maluf of progressives, sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for money laundering. In the case of Maluf, the decision is final. Nevertheless, the House asked for clarification.

Maluf graduated from medical school because of health problems. Home assignment is required. His case also concerns the Council of Ethics, as well as the request for the annulment of the mandate of Nelson Meurer, the Progressives, the first deputy sentenced in the Lava Jato case, and Lúcio Vieira Lima of the MDB, accused in Lava Jato

These cases will be analyzed only in August and still have to be submitted to the plenary of the House.

"We have until December to vote, so there is enough time to vote for all cases at the Ethics Council and also in plenary." President José Paulo Araújo ( PR-BA), Vice President of the Board of Ethics, explained that " [ad_2]
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