The opening of the beach on the island of Fuseta will help the tourism sector


António Miguel Pina, mayor of Olhão, municipality of Fuseta Island, one of the barrier islands of Ria Formosa, informed the Lusa agency of the opening of the two concession areas on the beach after the intervention of the Company Pólis in about 200 meters of coast, which now allows to end several months in which the local economy has been affected by l & rsquo; Can not use this swimming area.

"[A abertura] It is important for the county and especially for Fuseta, because we have grown and become a beach of excellence, one of the best in Algarve, and all the l & # 39; economy that had been flourishing in the Fuseta around tourism was affected by having the beach as it had, due to the bad weather recorded this winter. "

The mayor of Olhão pointed out that" l & # 39; negative influence "of the closure of the bathing area by the lack of sand was visible" in these two dealers and in the transport boat "to the island", but also in all the restoration, even in Fuseta [já no território continental] and in the rental and rental of housing "to visitors who choose the region for holidays.

Asked if the conditions after the intervention of the Litoral Pólis of the Ria Formosa are identical to those that existed before, António Pina replied that they are even better.

"The intervention was made in the 200 meters of beach and is even better than when the first intervention of the Society Pólis was made more than six years ago." At this moment, the beach has a beach even bigger than the one she had, "said the local administrator

however, that this intervention" was already programmed by the company Pólis, with the aim of sinking of stems and canals and drop inert on the island ", and that" the work continues "because it is" more and more concerned about the shape and geography that the bay has "in the region

"This summer, we could still open, because we had a planned intervention, now if these storms and storms continue to exist each year, we must quickly begin to think of a systematic solution, which must be flirting every year , with inert deposits, or we have to stop thinking and, despite the low sensitivity of environmental radicals, coastal defense may have to go through more durable or more muscular solutions than sand, "he said. 19659002] The Mayor thanked the Society Pólis for articulation with the chamber, "even diverting inert other dredgings to restore this situation as quickly as possible", and the Minister of the Environment, " for the political coverage that he gave to Polis for the do "and" the other 200 thousand euros that the minister made available for arrangements "on the island of Fuseta and also on the island of Armona.

The municipality also emphasized the fact that the conc (1966), that it could still rely on a bathing area of ​​the "most sought after Olhão" and that "receives annually more than 200 thousand people "

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