The pediatrician is assaulted by parents of children in a hospital in Niterói; video | New Orleans, Louisiana hotels


Lyse Soares, 34, recorded the crime at the police station. The couple said that there was an omission to rescue the doctor, who reportedly refused to hospitalize their son with a fever at dawn.

The images of the security cameras show the doctor, coming out of his room, attacked by a woman, Natália Jesus da Silva, with a slap and a hair stroke. Shortly after, a man appears and strikes the health worker in the hallway of the hospital. He is the father of the boy, who is in the middle of the mess and at some point the recording is seen on the floor of the hospital. The crime occurred in April, at Icaraí hospital, in the southern area of ​​Niterói.

The pictures show Lyse's face after the attacks. She went to the police station and passed the body exam. Civilian police investigate the crime of personal injury. The couple has already testified and explained the reason for the fight.

The father said that the son had a fever, that he had received medication from the pediatrician and that he had been released to return home. According to him, the situation has worsened at home and the fever has reached 42 degrees. so they decided to go back to the hospital at dawn. The discussion started because the doctors said that the hospitalization of the child was not necessary.

"She told my wife that we were huts, that we did not need to be at 3 in the morning in the cabin and that the problem with my son's fever n & # Was not his, the problem was ours "Paulo Ricardo Rodigues.

He said that he acted on impulse. "By the time my son is in danger, the attitude of a father is protection, what I've done, it's protect my son," he said .

A week after the confusion, the two men searched police accusing doctor Lyse Soares of failing to help. They also filed a lawsuit against the doctor and the hospital, claiming moral damages in the amount of 30,000 reais.

The Regional Medical Council of Rio de Janeiro (Cremerj) opened an investigation to determine the facts related to the case and stated that it repudiated any kind of aggression against doctors and doctors. health professionals. Cremerj reported that the doctor was at the headquarters of the Council to report the incident. The charges opened by Cremerj run in secrecy.

The Rio Pediatric Society stated that the doctor had been "cowardly beaten in the practice of his profession by trying to fulfill the duty to take care of the welfare of children and adolescents, to protect him and protect it. "

Doctor says she's still traumatized

In an interview with GloboNews, pediatrician Lyse says she's still traumatized and she's been away from work for two months because post-traumatic stress and is now trying to get back to the work routine.

"When I woke up, the nursing staff was holding me in the hallway where the aggression had occurred, I did not know anything, my colleague said," your mouth is bleeding. & # 39; " That was when I saw that it was not just hair pulling, explained the doctor.

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