The Popular Party Congress begins this Friday to choose who will lead the Spanish right – Observer


The Spanish People's Party (PP) begins this Friday afternoon in Madrid, an extraordinary congress to decide on Saturday that will replace Mariano Rajoy as president of this political force, with two candidates for the leadership of the right [19659002] The internal election campaign, opposed by Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría and Pablo Casado, ended on Thursday and Saturday at 1 pm (12 noon in Lisbon) the decision of the 3000 delegates to the congress should be known

The candidates for this post have tried to convince the delegates in recent days of the virtues of their candidacies, after the activists elected them in the primary elections of 5 July.

The most voted in the primaries, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, with 47 years and until June 1, last Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Mariano Rajoy, insisted throughout the campaign on the need " to integrate "the other

For its part, Pablo Casado, 37, and deputy secretary of the PP, refuses this" integration "and argues that" unity "of the party must be maintained but only after the choice that delegates make on Saturday.

The PP currently has a relative majority of members of the Congress of Deputies (parliament) and an absolute majority in the Senate (upper house). Mariano Rajoy was Prime Minister of Spain in 2011 before being sacked on 1 June last by a motion of censure introduced by the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) with the support of Unidos Podemos (extreme left) and other smaller parties, such as Basque nationalists and Catalan separatists.

The leader, who led the PP for 15 years, announced a few days after leaving the post of head of government who retired from active political life, without indicating, unlike

The Future leader of the PP, and candidate for the post of prime minister in the general elections to be held in 2020, will have to renew and modernize a party that in recent years has lost a significant part of his constituency due to a series of Corruption cases involving some of its leaders.

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