The reconstruction of the outer zone of the Museum of Portuguese Language is over


The recovery of the outer area of ​​the building that housed the Museum of Portuguese Language in São Paulo was completed Wednesday afternoon (18) with the installation of the last roof structure of the building. The piece, hoisted by a crane, was made with Peruvian zinc and certified wood from the Amazon

<img class = "img-responsive full full" src = "http: //imagens.ebc.×0/smart/ "alt =" The Secretariat of the. State of Culture finalizes the restoration of the roof of the Museum of the Portuguese language and installs the central structure of the roof, in September, work will begin inside the building (Archivo / Agência Brasil)

In September, the Work will begin inside the building, partially destroyed by a fire in December 2015. According to the state government, the museum should be reopened to the public by the end of the year next

"In addition to preservation, there has been a complete update of safety standards. We have had greater rigor in safety standards, balancing the two issues, preserving one side and updating the safety of another, "said the secretary of the board. State to Culture. about 60 million reais, part paid for fire insurance, and part caught by Rouanet law. The new exhibition site will follow the previous concept, but it will have some modifications.

"When entering the new museum of the Portuguese language, the visitor will recognize it, but at the same time, it will have updates.In the previous museum, the fact that the Portuguese language was spoken in nine countries of the planet was a reference.In this new museum, it will be a highlight, a point of agglutination of all countries that speak the language.

As was done in the new auditorium Simón Bolívar, also destroyed by a fire, the new museum will mention the event that destroyed part of his building. "There will be, as it is said today in the Memorial of Latin America, in the 39th. Auditorium Simón Bolívar, so we do not lose any reference, so that it never happens again, "said Campello

Part of the Latin American Memorial, screened by architect Oscar Niemeyer in São Paulo, the Simón Bolívar Auditorium was struck In a fire in 2013, it was banned for four years and reopened in December last year, after having undergone major renovations

Edition: Nádia Franco

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