The regime classifies the kidnapping of "white helmets" as a criminal operation


"There are not enough words to express the anger of all Syrians at these despicable conspiracies and the unlimited support provided by Western countries, Israel and Jordan in white helmets," said source at the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Israel's criminal operation … showed the true nature" of the "white helmets", added the same source, noting that Damascus "was already aware of the dangers [ofthisorganizationofvoluntaryevils"MoscowandDamascusaccusesthepoorofbeingassociatedwithgroupsofjihadistsandspreading"lies""surleursopérationsmilitairesLeministredesAffairesétrangèresSergueiLavrovetlechefd'state-majorrusseValériGuerassimovserontenIsraëlaujourd'huipourdiscuterduconflitenSyrie"Israëlcontinuerad'agircontretoutetentativedel'Iranetdesesalliésd'établiruneprésencemilitaireenSyrie"adéclaréNetanyahou

Russia is the main ally of Bashar al-Assad, with the & # 39; Iran and the Lebanese movement Hezbollah, two enemies of Israel

The "white helmets" were celebrated for their relief operations in Syria, where the conflict has caused more than 350,000 deaths and extensive damage since 2011 and is back vé be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016.

A total of 422 "white helmets" and their families were withdrawn on Saturday night, according to data provided by the Jordanian authorities, although initial information 800 people who were in danger of death because of the advance of Bashar al-Assad's troops.

The group was transferred from Israel to Jordan, where it was able to stay up to three months, According to the authorities of Amman, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Canada, a country that offered shelter on Sunday,

France was also available to receive Syrian "white helmets" and their families.

resettlement in third countries. France will play its role by welcoming the "white helmets" and their families "and" by continuing to mobilize to defend these brave people who risk their lives, day after day, to help the Syrian population, "said the French Ministry of Business foreign

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