Darcy, a three-year-old French bulldog, was on a connecting flight between Florida and Massachusetts in the United States last Thursday when she began having trouble breathing.
The dog already had his tongue and blue eras when two flight attendants seemed to go to the animal with an oxygen mask and ice, according to the New York Post.
On Facebook, a friend of Mrs. Michele Burt, published the story of the crew that rescued the pet. "We are all affected by the change in pressure in the cabin: people, dogs, cats, etc … But the fact that the commissioners are receptive and attentive to the situation may have saved the life of Darcy ". After putting on the oxygen mask, Darcy improved and, a few minutes later, she did not even want to use the device anymore.
The message written by the owner was sent to the JetBlue airline, thanking Renaud and Diane, the two commissioners who saved the dog, "to do their job and to be incredible human beings."
Dogs of the Bulldog breed may have respiratory problems, and some airlines prohibit animals from traveling on planes. Since the incident, Darcy has completely recovered.
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