The Trump star is gone, but there are already those who pay the deposit (with video)


Austin Clay was the man who, with a pickaxe, destroyed Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It happened Wednesday morning and the American was arrested after the act of vandalism was captured by the video surveillance cameras. Now another man, James Otis, who had already tried to destroy the star in 2016, offered to pay Clay's bail.

The current US President received the star in January 2007 due to his role as host. on the issue of NBC, The Apprentice . According to Ray Brown, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department, quoted by The New York Times the star was found at the scene.

According to witnesses, the suspect will have removed the pick from an alto case, and then splitting the star, located on 6800 block of Hollywood Boulevard near Highland Avenue.

The moment was captured in video by a passerby, who downloaded it on social networks.

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