The University of Algarve attracts more and more Brazilian students


Faro, 09 Jul (Lusa) – Language, security and organization are attracting more and more students and Brazilian families to Portugal and only to the University of Portugal. Algarve (UAlg) the number of Brazilian students has tripled in the past four years.

According to data provided to Lusa by the Algarve Academy, UAlg is one of the country's universities with the highest percentage of Brazilian students, compared to the total number of students. Registered students.

In 2014/2015, this university had 240 students from Brazil, a number that rose to about 700 students in the last academic year

The offer of university courses attracted Brazilian students to Portugal, but also their parents and some end up wanting to stay here not only to accompany the children in this trip, but also for the conditions offered by the country, said Lusa António da Silva, the father of a student assistant at the courses of Summer of the UAlg [19659003] "Portugal is a successful part of Brazil.We had already visited twice, but it was the first time we came to the Algarve , which is wonderful, like the whole country, has an organized structure, the weather is nice and the people are nice.

António da Silva is the father of Guilherme, one of the 40 students of the university. Brazilian secondary education who participate in the study in the weekly summer courses of UAlg, which are already in the fifth edition and are taking for the first time an international component, co-financed by Community funds.

"In Brazil, we do not have many educational offers that mix Teach with pleasure, much less on the beach, because I'm from within and do not exist , is likely to come to the Algarve to study, "said Maximo Lazzarotto, 16, who traveled from Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul

The program of these intermediate courses, between the second cycle of secondary and university, has an academic component in the morning, with theoretical and practical courses in various fields of study, and sports and nautical activities of the party "

" In Brazil, the 39, course offer, with the features sought by my daughter, is very small, so we have registered during the summer of Creative Writing. At the age of 15, Maria Eduarda has already published a collection of poems and is working on a novel to be published soon, "said Maurício Marinho, the father of the student.

According to the parent , who took advantage of the young woman's visit for the first time to Portugal, "she will be more likely to study for Portugal, perhaps at the Algarve University in the course of languages and communication, because she has already shown great interest in coming here. "

in Lisbon, Belém, Lagos and Albufeira, my wife is in love with the city of Faro, people are friendly, cordial and everything is very much more organized than the Brazilian reality. "

The UAlg summer courses, which count 300 participants, will end next Friday. ABYM // MCL

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