The vaccination index is impacted by "Fake News"


The World Health Organization (WHO) released a report in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) indicating a significant increase in measles cases – serious infectious diseases – in the world. According to published data, between January and April 2018, more than 79 000 cases of the disease were recorded, against 72 000 in the same period in 2017.

The number is worrying and accompanies the drop in the rate of vaccines among children and babies, which has decreased. According to data from the Federal District Health Department, immunization coverage up to the first week of July reached 84.8% – the annual target is 95%.

The National Immunization Program (NIP) of the Ministry of Health registered protection against polio, a disease that causes paralysis. From 98% in 2015 to 77% last year throughout the country, the Ministry issued an alert to prevent the return of diseases such as polio and others that had already been eradicated or controlled in the past.

Although no diagnosis has been confirmed in the Federal District, it is necessary to be vigilant because the disease is easily proliferated. In Amazonas and Roraima, there are already 463 confirmed cases, in the state of Rio de Janeiro have been confirmed 2 cases of the disease. According to Dr. Alberto Chebabo, an infectious doctor who makes up the clinical body of the Exame Laboratory, vaccination is the most effective way of preventing epidemics. "The vaccine is extremely important for fighting these diseases because they can be transmitted very easily," says Chebabo.
According to Chebabo, this drop in vaccination may be related to the disappearance or low incidence of certain diseases already very common in the country and also by the dissemination of false news that frighten mothers when it comes to to vaccinate their children. "Rumors have the power to scare and become viral, as many people believe, but a lot of false news about child immunization has been prevalent, but it must be emphasized that protection in newborns is essential because it stimulates the body of the baby to produce immunological responses protecting them against certain diseases, "says the doctor.

The return of measles in Brazil

Measles, rubella and rubella mumps, can be prevented with Viral Triple Vaccine.As recommended by the Ministry of Health, babies, adolescents and adults under 50 years of age should have both doses of the vaccine up to date. 50 years old who lived in a time when measles was a common disease and probably had the virus, they already have natural protection against the disease.

Measles is acquired by v aerial goose by means of a simple cough or sneeze. Symptoms include a common cold, cough, sore throat, high fever, red spots and skin irritation and may appear 10 to 14 days after contact with the virus. The diagnosis is made by means of a serological test for measles or by the identification of the genetic material of the virus in the blood, by means of the measles PCR test, depending on the timing of the infection. evolution of the disease. The treatment must be described by a specialist.

For the prevention of poliomyelitis, parents must vaccinate infants with inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (VIP). The disease can be transmitted by water, contaminated food and contact with an infected person. The diagnosis is made by stool tests to look for viruses. Poliomyelitis can cause paralysis and can also be fatal. "Children are the group most susceptible to contracting polio, the greatest risk being flaccid paralysis associated with movement sequelae without movement of the lower limbs, flaccid paralysis being the most common sequelae of poliomyelitis." False news
A well-known example of false news or false news is related to a study by British physician Andrew Wakefield in 2010 that resulted in a crisis in the public health of countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and even Brazil The research, which was later discredited, claimed that Triple Viral vaccine, which protects against mumps, measles and rubella, was linked to the development of an intestinal syndrome and to the symptoms of autism. The content of this study has been circulated on the Internet to date, and the UK's General Council of Medicine has ruled that the claims of the study support and absolutely false.

It is recommended that parents always ask their pediatrician questions, so that the specialist demystifies all false news about the vaccine, in addition to highlighting the importance of vaccination for the health of the patients. babies

The Exame laboratory provides the vaccination service in the MegaUnidade of the North Wing and in the Southwest Unit. We also perform diagnostic tests for infections.

About the Examination
Born more than 40 years ago, Exame has 60 service centers throughout the federal district. and surroundings. Equipped with a highly qualified clinical staff, the Laboratory is a pioneer in the segment of clinical analysis and diagnostic imaging. The examination provides over three thousand types of procedures, including pathologic anatomy and all with quality proven by the Laboratory Accreditation Program (PALC) for proficiency in laboratory testing (PELM). With an extensive network of agreements, the Exame also offers the popular table, which brings special payment terms for people without health insurance. For more information, visit or contact Customer Service at (61) 4004-3883

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