There are hundreds of cancer patients on the waiting list for a dental prosthesis – Observer


Hundreds of cancer patients are still waiting for the state to help them pay for a denture, after head and neck cancer treatments have caused the loss of teeth, l? Printed edition of Jornal de Notícias [19659002] Orlando Monteiro is 64 years old and has been waiting for help for nearly a year. He did radiotherapy and chemotherapy and, before immunotherapy, damaged teeth and prostheses.

The order that was published in 2016 in Diário da República by the office of the Assistant Secretary of State and Health provides for a pilot program in eight public hospitals of Greater Porto, of Coimbra and Lisbon for "the gradual introduction of incentives to the establishment of prostheses allowing the oral rehabilitation" of patients. However, according to Ana Castro, chair of the Head and Neck Cancer Study Group, "there are hundreds of people waiting" for this order to be respected.

The placement of a prosthesis in cancer patients is different simple purchase and reimbursement request. These are prostheses with specificities, whose placement must be followed at the hospital. And another problem here is that hospitals do not know where to get these prostheses or how to do this procedure and have already asked the ministry for clarification.

At the hospital center of Porto and Gaia / Espinho, no dental prosthesis has yet been installed. Only there, "there are more than 100 people waiting," adds Ana Castro in statements to JN. The Ministry of Health has not confirmed whether a prosthesis has been paid since the date of publication of the order.

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