There are several benefits of exercise. But with "it's worth it," we mean weight loss.
In the vast majority of cases where the goal is weight loss, cardio exercises are the most recommended. Of these, the race appears in the forefront, unfortunately for many who practice it out of obligation.
It is mainly for these that are dedicated the shared advice of El Confidencial. (19659003) More calories lost than ingested
There is no way to get away from & # 39; magic formula & # 39; In order to lose weight, it is imperative that you consume more calories than you eat, and thus maintain a complete and healthy diet, it is important to maintain a complete workout routine – it does not give you a workout by week when you want to lose weight.
Opting for Outdoor Training
Instead of the indoor environment in the gym, outdoor training ensures increased vitality and strength through the Increased intake of oxygen to the cells. In addition, and if you can, training on the sand or on the grass will be even more beneficial than doing it on the cement because the no-stick soil will require more effort.
By devoting five to ten minutes to weight training before cardio exercises, it warms the muscles that prepare for the next workout, ensuring an increase in the calories spent between 50 and 150 additional calories, depending on the intensity of the cardio.
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