Three cases of cholera confirmed in two weeks in the provinces of Luanda and Cuanza Norte – Observer


The Angolan provinces of Luanda and Cuanza Norte registered a total of 16 suspected cases of cholera from 11 to 23 this month, of which three were confirmed, the Angolan health authorities said on Monday. Data on the summary of suspected cholera cases, prepared by the National Institute of Health Research, to which the Lusa agency has access today, indicate that the laboratory has received three suspected cases of cholera. Bolongongo municipality, Cuanza Norte province, and the rest of Luanda, the municipalities of Samba (two), Sambizanga (one), Ingombota (one), Viana (two), Cacuaco (six) and one without form. identification

The authorities indicate that since the beginning of the epidemic, from 28 May to 23 July of the current year, the laboratory has received 68 suspected cholera samples from the provinces of Luanda (65) and Cuanza Norte (three), and cholera vibrios were isolated in 12 samples received. Luanda: Talatona (two), Rocha Pinto (one), Samba (three), Belas (four) and Cacuaco (two).

"In addition, 52 samples were negative and four were pending (one in Luanda province and three in Cuanza Norte province), the report says.There are 12 cases of cholera in children and adults between one year and and 63 years were confirmed in Luanda – Talatona, Rocha Pinto, Samba, Belas and Cacuaco from May to July

The provinces of Uíge and Cabinda, both located in the north of Angola, have already been affected by cholera outbreaks, with more than 600 deaths and more than a dozen deaths, and in the second more than ten cases and at least one death, in February this year.

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