Three women stabbed in a pro-abortion demonstration in Chile – 27/07/2018 – World


The Chilean government on Thursday called for the opening of a trial to investigate the assault of three women who participated in a demonstration for the legalization of abortion in Santiago on Wednesday ( 25).

were hit by hooded men who, at the end of the act on Avenida Libertador Bernardo O. Higgins, the main center, confronted the carabinieri (military police).

The organizers of the act have attributed the action to neo-Nazi groups opposed to the termination of pregnancy in any way – in the country it is allowed in case of risk of death the mother, rape and impossibility of the fetus [19659002] The document was handed over to the Public Ministry by the Minister of the Interior, Andrés Chadwick. The governor of the Santiago region, Karla Rubilar, condemned the attack and promised zero tolerance against this type of violent acts.

The demonstration was inspired by the Argentine movement, where the Senate discusses the theme on August 7th. The Chamber approved the release of abortion in any circumstance with 14 weeks of gestation on June 14th.

For Chilean feminists, the current law is insufficient to meet only 3% of all cases of abortion. According to government data, there are 30,000 interruptions of spontaneous pregnancies caused each year in the country

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