Transfer of pregnant women to maternity wards has always taken place – administration – Observer


The President of the Central Hospital of Lisbon, who runs the Alfredo da Costa Maternity Hospital, among other units, said today in Lusa that the transfer of pregnant women between maternity wards is exceptional, but has always been done and always in maximum safety. "That's how it works, it works for a long time, it works well and it gives an answer to everyone," said Ana Escoval, president of the Hospital Center, Lusa

. the teams always try to do their best. When there is a transfer or transport by INEM, it is always in conditions of maximum security. It is important for the population to know it, we can not contribute to social alarms. "

Ana Escoval told Lusa's statements today, also in Lusa, the president of the southern section of the Medical Association, Alexander Lourenço, according to the closing of the delivery rooms at the maternity Alfredo da Costa involves the transfer of pregnant women in the workplace to other maternity wards.

According to the official, there is a "complete bankruptcy of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central". "

Requested by Lusa, Ana Escoval explained that the maternity Alfredo da Costa does not receive the same number of deliveries every day, but if there is a large number, there can be transfers, which happens to d & # 39; Other hospitals

If necessary, "in order to guarantee the quality and safety of the woman, the teams ask INEM to take her to other maternity wards," he said. , explaining that and that creating a social alarm with the situation is bad, especially with c pregnant women, who need peace of mind and know that the maternity they are going to "will receive it safely."

Ana Escoval also explained this to Alfredo da Costa, or elsewhere, it is only in "very exceptional cases" that other hospitals are asked to help, and said the teams in this area are the most interactive and cooperative. "There is a spirit of support for all situations," he said.

The President stated that Alfredo da Costa had almost all beds, but this also happens with other hospitals, which "does not prevent" With respect to the "bankruptcy" , he denied the existence of the law and said that even during the holidays, a minimum acceptable medical team is wanted, reminding that it is right to make "social alarm" with a normal situation that has always existed.

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