Trump giant balloon floats in front of the British Parliament


A giant "baby trump" balloon was laid Friday in front of the British parliament in London to protest the first official visit of the United States President to the United Kingdom. ] The visit of US President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, to the United Kingdom is marked by many protests, including in London, a city that the couple is trying to avoid for bypass the popular rejection

The inflatable, which has the shape of a diaper to make a tantrum and hold a cell phone, was placed by a group of protesters and should float on the Parliament Square during the next two hours [

"We hope that wherever Donald Trump goes, he will hear and see the strength of a British opinion, which rejects him not only as people," said Asad Rehman, l & # 39; 39, one of the organizers of the protests against Trump in the UK.

"said Kevin Smith, one of the protesters behind the giant balloon.

" That's what people have to do , unite in their communities to organize and know how to s & # 39; To oppose the right-wing populism and xenophobia that we see, not only in the United States, but in Europe, "said Smith.

In the vicinity of Whitehall Avenue, where the British government headquarters and various ministries are located, the popular British TV series Doctor Who, with a blonde wig, for the delight of tourists.

The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, today defended his decision to authorize the "Trump baby", which has been criticized by C that it is not their role. 39 "exercise censorship" or determine whether an event is "good or bad".

"People in the United Kingdom, like those in the United States, would reject the idea of ​​our rights, privileges, and freedoms because we could offend a US president," said Khan, "which is the only one in the world. it is impolite to receive a foreign dignitary. "

At 11:00 am (London and Lisbon)" Women's march to stop Trump ", on Oxford Street, and at 14:00 (in London and Lisbon) a similar event," Stop Trump ", which will be held in the same way and will end with speeches at 7 pm Trafalgar

There will also be protests in the city of Aylesbury, near the official residence of Checkers, where Trump meets today with British Prime Minister Theresa May

There will still be protests in the English city of Manchester and Glasgow, Scotland where Trump and his wife will spend the weekend on a private visit.

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