Trump gives seven years to Washington Post and New York Times


Donald Trump used his favorite social network, Twitter, to attack the media. The The Washington Post and The New York Times two of the favorite targets, are again criticized, the President of the United States of America claiming that the two diaries constantly cite anonymous sources that do not exist and that in seven years will no longer exist.

The President of the United States took advantage of the news that explains Twitter's "cleansing" among his critics of the press. In May and June, Twitter suspended more than 70 million fake accounts, more than a million per day. The news was advanced Friday … by The Washington Post . Subscribe to Newsletters News Diary and receive first hand information.

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The number of 70 million is however seen with surprise by some analysts. "It's hard to believe that 70 million accounts were affected when Twitter has about 336 million active monthly accounts," said Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities. Pachter thinks that many of these accounts should be "dormant" and therefore do not see much impact on Twitter traffic. However, Post wrote that suspension of accounts has a perceptible effect, jeopardizing the growth of the social network.

Trump picks up the fact of suspending the accounts, as we read in message to suggest that the accounts of the two American newspapers be included. "They constantly quote anonymous sources that, in my opinion, do not exist," writes Trump. And he went even further by adding that in seven years the two newspapers will be out of market in seven years.

This is yet another chapter in the war of words that the White House tenant has conducted with the US press, has generated many criticisms to create a climate of hostility with reporters. In the case of The Washignton Post Trump even includes the name of Amazon, by Jeff Bezos, creator of this multinational, also be the owner of the newspaper, through Nash Holdings, created in 2013 to buy Message

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