Trump: "I see no reason not to be Russia" – World


A day after provoking a real political storm in the United States by suggesting that she believes more in Vladimir Putin than the US security agencies who accuse Russia of interfering in presidential elections of 2016, Donald Trump returned yesterday and admitted that

Trump was swept away by the American press, the democratic opposition and even his own party members, when he was questioned on Monday. he believed more in the FBI and the CIA accusing Moscow of being behind the attempt to interfere in the elections, or denial of Putin, said: "I see no reason to be Russia." This sentence was interpreted as a public admission that he appreciated more the word of the Russian president than the conclusions of his own security agencies.

Yesterday, however, Trump corrected these claims, stating that during the review of the video of the press conference, realized that it was deceived, since he meant: "I see no reason not to have been Russia. "I have every confidence in our security agencies and I accept their conclusion that Russia has been behind the electoral interference," he added.

The clarification was not very convincing, however, because during the press conference with Putin, Trump praised the "strong and powerful" denial of the Russian president, leaving little doubt as to his point on the subject.

Yesterday he further downplayed the Russian attack on the US electoral process, claiming that the alleged interference "had no influence" on the outcome of the presidential election. Vladimir Putin refused to address a copy of the letter, but he said his administration would act "aggressively" to avoid any attempt to influence the interim elections of October.

Putin refuses to indict 12 Russian agents
charge against 12 alleged Russian agents who participated in the theft of Democratic Party documents to influence the presidential election.

In an interview with Fox, the reporter tried to give him a copy of the indictment, but Putin refused to take it, telling the reporter to put him on the table, reiterating that these are "ridiculous" allegations

A detained Russian agent has infiltrated the powerful arms lobby
An alleged Russian agent has been arrested in Washington, a few hours before the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin .

Maria Butina, 29, is charged with infiltrating various political organizations in the United States, including the powerful gun lobby, NRA, which has channeled millions of dollars from Moscow to support Trump's candidacy in 2016.

General conviction
Trump's statements at the summit with Putin were condemned by both parties, "Cobardia"

Brennan speaks of treason
The hardest critic was former CIA director John Brennan, who accused the president of "skimming treason." But Republican Senator John McCain, who has long criticized Trump, said "Trump behaved abjectly before a tyrant."

The veiled criticism of Obama
The former President Barack Obama, who spoke yesterday in an event in the honor of Nelson Mandela, condemned politicians who " use fear and lies "to hide reality.

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