Trump invites Putin to visit the White House. Chief of the surprised American spies


The White House announced that Donald Trump, the US president, has invited his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to visit the United States in the fall.

of Twitter's social networking site, which Trump asked National Security Advisor John Bolton "to invite Putin to go to Washington in the fall," noting that the negotiations "are already in course. "

Sarah Sanders also said that the President of the United States "agreed to continue the dialogue" between the national security advisers of the two countries at the meeting held in Helsinki Monday between the two leaders.

Incidentally, the president of the United States, also by social network Twitter, said on Thursday that he was waiting for the second meeting with Vladimir Putin. "The summit with Russia has been a great success, except for the real enemy of the people, the fake media, I look forward to our second meeting, so we can start implementing some of the things discussed," said Trump.

The US President also added the will to fight against terrorism, Israeli security, nuclear proliferation, Ukraine, cyberattacks and North Korea. "There are a lot of answers to these problems, some easy and some difficult, but all can be solved."

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