Trump Putin. The summit of low expectations – World


Brussels, London and now Helsinki, where the summit between Trump and Putin will take place. This is the last item on the agenda of a US President's working week in Europe.

The meeting between the two leaders will be held first, before opening the meeting to the respective delegations. The work ends with a joint press conference.

Expectations for the summit are publicly viewed as victims. In a weekend interview with CBS, Donald Trump himself expressed this feeling. "Nothing bad will come and maybe it's going to be good, but I'm going to come in [na cimeira] with low expectations," Trump said, adding that Russia, China and the European Union are enemies of the United States because they are its competitors.

Already on Monday, the US president attributed the bad relations between the United States and Russia to "many years of American pacy and stupidity and now to the witch hunt referring to investigations into alleged interference Russian elections "Our relationship with Russia has never been so bad," the president said.

"The state of bilateral relations is very bad," said Vladimir Putin's adviser Yuri Ushakov. "We should start to restore them," he said.

Vladimir Putin did not say anything about his expectations for the meeting. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian television that the summit would be "the first step" to overcome the crisis in relations between the two countries. "Presidents Trump and Putin respect each other and agree, there is no clear agenda, it will be determined by the heads of state at the meeting." [19659006] The Russian Foreign Minister confessed to state television having "low expectations", saying that the summit would be a success if there was only one agreement for reopen the lines of communication.

Analysts are not expecting great advances, especially since there are significant problems between the two countries. But as much as words, the world focuses on the actions of both leaders and what they mean.

Before the summit, Trump was with the Finnish president. Asked what he was going to say to Putin, the US president only said: "All will be well, thank you"

Items on the agenda likely

For some analysts, Russia is already winning this summit. In the eyes of analyst Alexei Malachenko, this meeting means "an informal recognition as a great power". For Trump, it could mean breaking Obama's legacy. Alina Poliakova of the Brookings Institution says that Trump can claim a victory by saying that "in practice, it is Obama who has deteriorated relations and I have improved them".

Trump himself anticipates on Twitter that whatever the outcome of the summit, he will always be criticized for not being enough.

On practical matters, Russia should have one of the points on the table. "Of course, Syria will be discussed by both presidents," Peskov said. "We all know what Washington thinks of Iran, but at the same time, Iran is a good partner for us in terms of trade, economic cooperation and political dialogue, so I think it's not will not be an easy exchange of views, "said the Kremlin spokesman. Russian support for Bashar al-Assad's regime puts the United States and Russia on various sides in the conflict.

The annexation of Crimea in 2014 should not be missed as a topic of conversation, because it is following this annexation that the United States and the European Union have imposed economic sanctions against Russia and a strategy of isolation of Russia. There is also the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in British territory, which sparked Russian exchanges of accusations with the West and the withdrawal of Russian diplomats from the soil.

On Friday, 12 Russian intelligence agents were indicted for meddling in the 2016 US elections, giving Trump the victory. This new fact prompted the Democrats to demand that the US president cancel the meeting with Putin, which Trump refused. The case should not be excluded from the discussions and perhaps the one that arouses the most expectations in this meeting, especially because the subject kept Trump under fire.

Vladimir Putin has been in power for 18 years at the head of state or government. He passed four American presidents. He had good relations with none of them. This is the fourth time that there are meetings between the US Presidents in the Finnish capital: Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev met in 1975, Gerge Bush was with Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 and Bill Clinton met Boris Yeltsin in 1997. [19659017] [ad_2]
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