Trump sees the European Union as "an enemy" of the United States


Donald Trump sees the European Union as an "enemy" of the United States of America, as well as China and Russia, he said in an interview with CBS on Saturday in Scotland.

Asked by the reporter about his "greatest international enemy right now," the president of the United States said that there were "many enemies". "I see the European Union as an enemy, given what they've done to us in terms of trade." Russia is also an enemy in some respects, China is an economic enemy, of course. "

" I respect the leaders of these countries, but with respect to trade, I think everyone has benefited, "said Trump, of us and many of these countries are in NATO and do not pay what they owe. "

Earlier Sunday, British Prime Minister Theresa May revealed that Trump had advised her to" sue "the European Union, instead of negotiating Brexit . The United Kingdom's exit from the European Union, bilateral trade, foreign policy and global security were the hottest topics on the agenda of the May-May meeting between Trump and May.

After giving an interview to the newspaper "The Sun", in which he considered May's strategy for Brexit "likely to kill" a free trade agreement between Washington and London, Trump turned against

Donald Trump spends this weekend in Scotland, as he prepares for the summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is scheduled to meet the British prime minister. Monday, Helsinki, Finland. For this meeting, Trump told CBS not to go with "high expectations."

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