Trump warns Iran to no longer threaten the United States


"Do not threaten the United States or you will suffer the consequences that few have known in history," wrote Trump on the Twitter network in a message to Iranian President Hassan Rohani, all written in capital letters.

"We are no longer a country that supports your foolish words of violence and death."

This post was published after Rohani warned the President of the United States not to pull the whiskers out of the tiger, assuring that a conflict with Iran would be the "mother of all wars."

These verbal quarrels recall the messages between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un before the tensions erupted. culminate in a historic summit between the two men on June 12 in Singapore

From the unexpected approach with North Korea, Trump makes Iran his main "workhorse". [19659002AlsoonSundayUSSecretaryofStateMikePompeohadsaidthatWashingtonwasnotafraidtoimposesanctions"atthehighestlevel"ontheTehranregime

In a speech to the Iranian diaspora in California, Pompeo confirmed that Washington wants all countries to use their Iranian oil imports to "near zero" by Nov. 4, otherwise they will face US sanctions. [19659002SongamericanDonaldTrumpapresidentatheAmericanTreatyofthe2015InternationalAgreementwasnotemptedtopreventtheIrelandfromacquiringNuclearArmsandAmericanCanada

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